Employer Portal Tips
MyRPB's "Adjust Compensation & Contributions" screen is where you manage your employees' retirement contributions.
When new employees join the RPB retirement plan—or whenever the person's compensation or contribution data change—employers must use this screen to enter the details. Each plan year, or whenever there is a change in compensation, parsonage, or contribution rates with a new effective date, you must add a new record.
Here's how to adjust your employees' contributions in the MyRPB for Employers portal:
1. From the dashboard, click the Adjust Compensation & Contributions tile.

2. Click the arrow next to the relevant employee. To add new compensation, parsonage, or contribution rates with a new effective date, click +Add Record. Only use Edit when correcting data that still refers to the same Effective Date for that record.

3. Adjust the contribution rate (and annualized compensation, if applicable) with the appropriate effective date of that change.